mercredi 14 octobre 2015

One month before departure

So, where should I begin this?
Hi, I'm Floppy, 23 years old, French, and about to go on an adventure!
Now that I just graduated in multimedia project management, I have decided to leave France to start a new life in Taiwan.

Here comes the question: WHY Taiwan?
First of all, I got the Asian virus few years ago. I studied Japanese for two years in Paris before going to South Korea for 1 year and a half in 2012 where I studied Korean at the Seoul National University and then did a 6 month internship in a cool digital agency in Seoul. I had to go back to Paris to finish my studies and get my diploma, but now that this is settled I am free to leave with no plan of coming back just yet.
I also visited China and Japan twice but this time I chose to leave for the unknown. Even though my favourite singers and my favourite drama above all are Taiwanese I still haven't stepped a foot on this island.

But understand that I am not leaving without any preparation. Just not my style. For a project manager.. it comes with the job, huh? I have been learning Chinese for a year and a half now in Paris. No way I plan to live in a country I don't speak at least a bit of the language! I spent also a lot of time to select a university to study Chinese in Taiwan and I set my choice on the Mandarin Training Center of the National Taipei Normal University. They don't provide dormitory for Chinese language students so I will have to find a solution once I get there.. but everything will go smoothly right? If not I still could write about it in this blog.

So here I am, one month before I leave my life in Paris, leave my family and my friends. There are quite a lot of things to settle but I also have a LOT of free time so thank you my friends for keeping me busy every day going out to grab something to eat or just hang out together!

I created this blog linked to a Facebook page to keep in touch with the crowd and share my experiences in Taiwan as I couldn't find a lot of information on this country. I think French people are not really interested in Taiwan... There are a lot of Japan lovers and recently South Korea got a lot of interest too but I never ran into someone who expressed a real interest in Taiwan. Maybe I didn't search enough. Never mind, let's discover what Isla Formosa has to offer together! I am sure there are plenty of tasty things to eat and interesting things to learn there!

I will do my best to relate the most interesting part of my life there but you can also leave me messages on the Facebook page if you want to know more about something you read or heard somewhere and you want me to write about it! Anything! Just tell me and I'll look into it.

Thank you for reading my blog!
